The Truth about Changing a Habit

How many times have you thought about changing a habit of yours without doing anything about it? How about getting started, but then finding yourself totally failing and forgetting that you had even begun a new regime in the first place? Too many times to count? Why is it so hard to create life-long transformation […]

Top Time Wasting Websites to Block Today

Top Time Wasting Websites

Have you ever wondered about the amount of time we spend online (while we could be doing something much better)? In 2017, the average user spent 5.9 hours per day on digital media. The average mobile phone use was 3.3 hours per day – an increase from just 0.3 hours per day back in 2008. […]

Are You Addicted to The News? – Read Here How It Effects Your Health and Mood

News addiction

How News Addiction Effects our Mood News addiction has become more popular with the excess of news channels and sources. Following the news may make you feel connected but makes you less engaged with life. We have been aware of this reality for a long time that the emotional content of television programs and films […]