Don’t Want Someone Else
to Decide What’s “Okay”
for Your Kids Online?

FocusMe makes the perfect kid-safe parental
control for phones & computers

Restrict, Monitor, or Completely Block whatever you want.
No Workarounds (important for today’s tech-savvy youth).
Track how they really spend their time online.
Give the Instant Axe to “adult” websites or other toxic platforms.
Teach Better Habits and get them off the computer more.
Protect them from dangerous predators lurking online.

As seen in

Web Blocking & Device Monitoring Software

Kids getting devices

What Are Today’s Kids REALLY Getting Into On Their Devices?

Not so long ago, monitoring what children did on electronics was pretty simple. Parents walked over to the TV. They switched it off. And they said, “Go outside and play.”

These days, things are A LOT different. Technology has gotten so pervasive many parents just default to a “don’t ask, don’t tell strategy”.

After all, what do you do with a rising tide that’s too powerful to push back?

But For Some Parents Ignoring the Threats Isn’t an Option

What are your children up against?

    Rising numbers of depression, online bullying, and even suicide among America’s youth, often linked back to social media and too much time online.
    Alarmingly easy access to porn – and not porn as the world once knew it, either. These days it’s all “shock factor,” so it’s more extreme and depraved than ever. And the constant access online often leads to porn addiction with real life consequences (even among adults).
    Unfathomable violence at the click of a mouse…kids these days love to share this stuff with each other just to gauge reaction.
    An army of marketers manipulating online users’ minds…Not only can it be tough on the pocketbook but the influence of constant shiny objects has all of us more scattered, istracted, and shallow than ever.
    Online predators with the worst intentions in mind…We hate to fearmonger, but organized groups of child predators are getting busted in the news constantly now… And they often do their hunting on the internet.
    And what effects will this constant influence of the internet have on the human brain? Will it change the way your child behaves and interacts with the world? Can iit create lifelong problems? The jury is still out on that one.

FocusMe Gives Parents Control Again

It’s hard enough for adults to to control themselves on digital devices.
How much more difficult is it, then, for the children? It’s up to all of us to have
serious discussions with kids about what they can and can’t do online. How
to regulate it and what is off limits.

But unless your child has done every single thing you’ve told them, ever…

You need the tools to enforce those guidelines.

Focusme Tools

How We Help You Protect Your Children In
a Digital World Spiraling Out of Control

Monitor How Kids Spend Time Online

FocusMe automatically tracks time they spend on various websites, apps, and devices – with visual easy-to-understand colored charts. With the click of the mouse you’ll know if they’re making healthy use of their time or getting into something dangerous online.

Limit Websites That Don’t Add Value to Their Life

With the automated scheduler, no daily management is needed. Keep kids from spending their lives on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, or any other site. Decide what’s best for them, set the Scheduler, and watch how their behavior changes for the better!

Block Websites, Applications, or The Entire Web

If you just cut off internet access, kids often just spend all that time on games
or movies. But FocusMe can shut down problem apps too. Block the worst ones or shut them all down and only keep open the ones you know you can

Multiple Layers Of Plan Protection

Random Password Generator

Requires FocusMe to generate a random string of
characters (as short or long as you want) for users
to type in when trying to pause, stop, or edit a plan.
Entering a few dozen obnoxious characters to
interrupt a plan is often a great pattern interrupt
to inspire better choices.

Custom Password Options

Make plans that are easy to unlock but then give keep
the custom password to yourself. If your kid really
wants to access a site you’ve blocked, they can…but
they’ll need a good argument for why. This makes it
easy to give them access over the phone when
you’re not home (then change the password later).

Force Mode!

And of course, if you want to remove all possibility of
pausing or editing your plans at all, you can set up
forced blocking mode. This is what FocusMe is really
known for. With this setting activated, nothing will let
anyone in. Warning: Use with caution!

Robust, Non-Negotiable Parental Control

Blocking Is Instant - No Restarting

There’s no need to restart browsers or clear your cache when you launch new privacy and protection plans. Just set up the software in two minutes and start getting things done.

Impossible To Bypass

Let’s face it – kids love to find a way around the rules, and many are scary good with technology. FocusMe was designed by a programmer who wanted to stop himself from breaking his own rules online and is known as the most powerful blocking software in the world. Put in Forced Mode and all bets are off – you can even tell the app to protect itself from being uninstalled!

Parental Control

100% Customizable To Fit Your Needs

Schedule Non-Block Hours When Kids are at School

If you or other adults are in the house while
the younger members of the family are gone, you
don’t want usage during that time to get tracked.
And you probably don’t want to subject adults to
parental controls. Set up simple filters to make
sure you only capture monitoring data when kids
are home.

static data
static data

Control Privacy & Protection Plans From a Central Device

Install FocusMe across all your devices (no
additional license required for children under 18)
and control plans from anywhere. Easily create
different focus plans with different permission
levels for different members of the family. Log on
and shut down or open up the internet at home
even if you’re away.

Customizable Transparency Settings

Run FocusMe completely in the background
to monitor usage and block sites without being
intrusive or obvious. Or you can make it
completely transparent – just knowing it’s there
is often enough to keep them from wandering
off track.

static data
static data

Put The Power In Their Hands!

Don’t want to feel overbearing? This software is a
great way to self-regulate, make better decisions,
become more productive, and build better long-
term habits. Just by showing children how to
monitor their own data and use these tools you can
see massive changes in the way they spend their
time online. Handing over control can especially be
a great way to give them more responsibility as
they get older.

We Also Provide Dedicated Support To Show You How to Use It


Don’t let this tech intimidate you – we’re in this with
you! And we’ll do what it takes to help you get set up.

Join our support forum or submit a ticket any time
you get confused or need a little help.

Contact us here and we promise to get back within
24 hours.


Try 14 Days 100% Free!

Download FocusMe Now to Access all Features and Full Support.

[No Credit Card Required]

A Few Common Questions

How Many Devices Can I Use FocusMe On?

We now allow up to 5 desktop computers per license! (PC or macOS). But the license should not be shared between multiple users, unless you’re a parent using it for kids under 18. You can also transfer your licenses to new computers if you change them. Also, you get our Android app for free – that doesn’t take up any of your device licenses.

Can FocusMe Sync Plans Between Devices?

Yes. FocusMe can sync plans between devices on both Windows and Mac (we’re working on the Android version).

What Type Of Payments Do You Accept?

We accept credit/ debit cards and use Stripe to process these securely. We also accept PayPal.

How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

You can cancel your subscription any time you need to on your my account page or contact us and ask for help.

Can I Request a Refund?

Just contact us within 60 days of your purchase and we’ll issue your refund within 24 hours. No questions asked!

Other Common Questions.


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