How Cross-Cultural Communication Drives Workplace Success

The age of monocultural workplaces is far behind us in the 21st century. Cross-cultural communication is now an integral part of the workforce and a major driver for success. But how do we implement it in our working lives?
Using Your Smartphone for Good Instead of Evil – A Short and Easy Guide

In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine life without our smartphone. And let’s face it, it can be a rather useful gadget. You can book a flight from anywhere, do your banking, find a girlfriend or boyfriend, have all the information in the world available in the palm of your hand, and communicate in a […]
To Live a Great Life, Learn to Live Offline

It seems inevitable… In today’s world, we’re surrounded by screens. We seem destined to live life behind our computers, our tablets, our smartphones. We get drawn in by Twitter, Facebook, reddit, YouTube, news websites, countless blogs, podcasts, the list goes on and on. It seems almost like an obligation to take part in this. As […]
5 Reasons You Should Use Headphones at Work

Listening to music is one of the most relaxing activities that you can do while you are busy. Many people do not really mind being under too much pressure as long as they can wear their headphones and work. Whether you are working on a file or you are into some tasks that require physical […]