Effective Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe Online

The internet is a powerful tool, but children must be protected from its dark side.
How Work-at-Home (Homeschooling!?) Parents Can Stay Sane During This Pandemic

It is an uncertain scary time we are living in – shelter-in-place orders around the globe, schools closed, people sent home from work, and a dangerous virus travelling around the planet. It’s just an unprecedented time… And, for some of us – we’re trying to keep up with work, home, children, and our children’s education […]
Getting More Done in Less Time as a Single Parent

Being a single parent is extremely rewarding but also difficult. You hold all the responsibility and you have to get everything done on your own. As a result, you’ll often feel overwhelmed and at wit’s end. You will feel like you simply can’t go on at the same pace. Working smart is the best way […]
5 Hacks For Working Parents To Make Your Week More Productive

As a parent who’s also building a career, you have to juggle so many responsibilities. Chances are that all of the multi-tasking is draining your batteries, making you much less productive than you’ve previously been. Maintaining a high level of efficiency as a working parent is far from the easiest task. Still, there are things […]
Why Everyone Should Be Concerned About Technology’s Impact on Kids, Even if You’re Not a Parent

“Teens spend nearly nine hours every day consuming media,” reads a Washington Post headline. “Kids under 9 spend more than 2 hours a day on screens, report shows,” touts a headline from CNN. “Children spend six hours or more a day on screens,” says BBC News. Kids are spending many of their waking hours on digital devices, that much is […]
How to Reduce Screen Time for Your Kids

Learn how you can set healthy limits The verdict is in: More than half of all kids ages 8 to 12 have their own cell phone. Kids ages 5 to 16 are spending six and a half hours per day in front of a screen, more than double the amount of screen time just 20 […]