ReclaimTime – Annual (10+ Users)

$54.00 / year

Accurate Analytics On How Workers Spend Time

Automatically track time people spend on various websites, apps, and company devices – with visual charts displayed by user or team. Categorize the most productive or unproductive time to identify and improve your problem points. All data is easily exportable to put it to whatever use you need.

Minimize Common Distractions On The Clock

With the automated scheduler, everything runs without daily management. Keep staff off Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, or any other site during work hours. Make internet accessible only during certain times of the day. Define optimal work schedule, set the Scheduler, and watch how much the team gets done!

Block or Time Limit Websites, Applications, Or The Entire Web

Restricting internet or website access often means people fill that distraction time with games, chats, and other time-wasting apps. But FocusMe provides the ability to shut down problem apps with your plans too. Blacklist the worst ones or shut them all down and retain access to the few they actually need.