Would like an opportunity at the end of each working day to make modifications to a Schedule Mode plan (websites/apps open 1 hour mornings, open lunch, open evenings, blocking during working day) that is both Forced and Forced while Inactive to avoid late starts in morning, or after lunch. Would like to use Auto Enable Plan Daily but I cannot without an End Date. Workaround is two identical plans except End Dates. Active plan has End Date today. Then in evening start 2nd plan and set End Date for the next day. So can modify 1 of the 2 plans at the end of each day since Protection when Inactive is Forced and plan runs to End of day. But would be much cleaner, easier, reliable to be able to set Protection when Inactive to "Forced" all day except after the end of the workday hours to allow for plan changes. And then could enable Auto Enable Plan Daily and not have to remember to start a 2nd plan at the end of each day.