Schedule Mode – Date , Calendar

By Martin Licko on 23 September 2021
3 years agoreviewed3

In schedule mode (where you can choose from "simple timer" "daily/week", "day sequence" and "pomodoro") can you add the Date option?

It will be like "Day Sequence" But set for a specific date in a calendar.

(( Like
23.9.2021 – Plan active from 8:00 — 20:00
24.9.2021 – Plan active from 8:00 — 19:00
25.9.2021 – Plan inactive
26.9.2021 – Plan active from 12:00 — 21:00

3 Responses

  1. Hi Martin, thanks for your inquiry. That would be using the Day Sequence scheduling mode where you can choose which date you like to have the plan active.

    Hope that helps.

    P.S. for further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach us at for any concerns.


  2. Well, not really. Day sequence only counts days. In my case, it got de-synchronized (it was 1day behind the calendar), just because, i have started the plan on 31, and not at 1. So tying it to the exact date may help to solve that de-synchronisation.

  3. says:

    yes, I agree It’s better than the day sequence.