Live pause any plan that blocks the computer completely

By C. Moore on 17 October 2021
3 years agoreviewed0

I like the new forced breaks from the computer option, which I use to impose a 15 minute break once an hour, BUT the 'Pause' option for that must be available when the computer is blocked, not only before such a block starts. I need (1) the 1000 char random password to prevent me from stopping the plan but also (2) an emergency exit via Pause (in my case just once or twice a day, 30 minutes each time) in case I'm doing a piece of work such as a Zoom call with a colleague that I simply can't stop. I absolutely must be able to Pause when a block has taken me by surprise, rather than at that point having to type in the 1000 char random password that stops the plan completely. Other than that problem, this functionality is really good and I would love to see it in your android app.