Allow Distraction after X minutes of Productivity

4 years agoreviewed4

Basically the opposite of how the current “Time Limit” rule works.

Block distracting/blacklisted apps until you’ve spent a specified amount of time in productive/whitelisted apps.

This would be similar to a pomodoro, but would only grant a break after clocking in a certain amount of productive time.

A problem I have is that I can waste time doing neutral things (checking email, chat applications, busywork etc) until the pomodoro break begins. Then during the pomodoro break I have the freedom to do actually unproductive things (youtube, games)

The neutral time + unproductive time means that there’s a net loss of productivity overall.
e.g. 20 min neutral + 5 min unproductive = -5 min productive

What would be nice is if I could still do neutral tasks, but I can’t do any unproductive tasks until I complete a minimum amount of productive tasks.
This way I can’t cheat and wait for the pomodoro timer to end.
e.g. 20 min neutral + 20 min productive + 5 min unproductive = 15min productive

4 Responses

  1. or for each 1 hour of studying (for example FM can see I opened OneNote) you will earn 20 min of extra time to play Apex legends. Of course, it won’t work for your child who will just keep OneNote open all day :), but will work for you personally – you won’t cheat yourself.

  2. So many users requested this feature and also it is such a useful feature, still FocusME team didn’t trying to implementing this.
    This could be game changer feature as it can significantly improve productivity.

  3. says:

    Man! Have you heard about the Pomodoro feature in the FocusMe app?