Getting More Done in Less Time as a Single Parent

Single parent

Being a single parent is extremely rewarding but also difficult. You hold all the responsibility and you have to get everything done on your own. As a result, you’ll often feel overwhelmed and at wit’s end. You will feel like you simply can’t go on at the same pace. Working smart is the best way […]

5 Hacks For Working Parents To Make Your Week More Productive

As a parent who’s also building a career, you have to juggle so many responsibilities. Chances are that all of the multi-tasking is draining your batteries, making you much less productive than you’ve previously been. Maintaining a high level of efficiency as a working parent is far from the easiest task. Still, there are things […]

5 Proofs Why Sleeping Makes You More Productive

Sleeping improves productivity

How do you feel in the morning after you’ve had at least eight hours of restful, wholesome sleep? Chances are that the answer is refreshed and energized. Sleep is needed to recharge your batteries and help your body recover from the daily stress. Does sleep really make us more productive and if so – how? […]

Productivity hacks of today’s successful entrepreneurs

Busy entrepreneur

Ever wonder how unicorn founders and the who’s who of online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, the tech industry, and startup community got to where they are right now? Productivity junkies like you may be curious – what’s their time management secret? How can they run the world and still find time to run, play video games, […]

What is productivity, really?

What is productivity

We’ve often talked about it. But what is it really? Productivity is the “amount of work produced either per worker or per hour worked.” [1] So if a writer finishes 10 pages an hour, then 10 would be their personal productivity per hour. And if you complete an update meeting with the team in an […]

How to Use Your iPhone’s Screen Time Feature to Take Back Your Productivity

Screen Time feature on iPhone

Discover how Apple helps you monitor and limit your smartphone usage for healthier phone habits and better productivity Apple’s recently launched iOS 12 came with a much-welcomed feature that could be part of the answer to breaking free of digital distractions. The addition of Screen Time puts device owners in better control of how much […]

Time Management Tips in the Workplace

Business Owner

Time management can spell a whole lot of difference for your productivity at work. Whether you’re working a 9-to-5 or globe-trotting as a digital nomad, it’s key to getting great results for your business and organisation. Having an effective time management strategy in the workplace can: drive efficiency for your team, produce high-quality outputs, and […]

Top Time Wasting Websites to Block Today

Top Time Wasting Websites

Have you ever wondered about the amount of time we spend online (while we could be doing something much better)? In 2017, the average user spent 5.9 hours per day on digital media. The average mobile phone use was 3.3 hours per day – an increase from just 0.3 hours per day back in 2008. […]

6 Free Time Tracking Apps that Improve Your Productivity

Time Tracking Apps

Discover How the Best Time Tracking Apps Help You Work Better Time management for freelancers: a serious subject for anyone striking out on their own. And can mean all the difference between spinning wheels or rising to the top of the industry. As a self-employed professional, no one pays you for your bathroom breaks, extended […]