Eradicate Your Unhealthy Habits with the Power of Community

In order to let go of an addiction – whether it be to food, screens, alcohol, etc. – there’s nothing that compares to a strong support community. Because what is the opposite of community (supportive relationships)? Isolation. And what is the perfect environment for bingeing, indulging, and losing ourselves to unhealthy habits? Isolation. An alcoholic […]

How to Inspire People Around You to Do More

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Maya Angelou authored these powerful words and they stand as evidence of the importance people play in our lives. What kind of influence are you on the people around you? Do you inspire and motivate, whether in your personal or professional life? Do you know how to […]

How Come You’re Dreading Your School Work and What to Do Instead

You’re in school (or college). The assignments keep coming. The semesters keep coming. You have your goal to graduate… But along the way… You get distracted. Everything else in your life seems way more interesting than your school work! Then you feel guilty for avoiding writing that paper. Or, you feel pressure to cram for […]

The Best Books and TED Talks About Productivity

Identifying the right productivity and motivation approach that will work for your team isn’t always an easy task. Dynamics inside the company change over time and the methodology that delivered excellent results some time ago is not necessarily going to yield the same result this time around. Learning from the experience of others and finding […]

Getting Motivated – The Final Chapter

So, today is going to be our final post in our series about motivation (I know, I’m sad too.). If you were able to apply some of the lessons we gave you before, you should have been able to build up a fair amount of real, internal, motivation. Today, we’re giving you the icing on […]

Getting Motivated – it’s all in the details. Part II – Motivation Madness

Hi everyone, A while ago, we discussed motivation, and what distinguishes ‘fake motivation’ from ‘real motivation’, the first kind being a temporary, external boost that doesn’t last very long, and the latter one being a real, innate drive and desire to perform a task and get stuff done. The first strategy you ought to implement […]

Getting Motivated – It’s all in the Details, Part 1

About last time…a small recap As you might remember, a while back we talked about motivation. I explained to you all the myths surrounding motivation – what it was and what it wasn’t – and how you can achieve more motivation yourself. At the end I even gave you a little assignment (sincerely hope you […]

Motivation, what is it and how do you get it?

Pieces of the puzzle Us here at FocusMe are very proud of our amazing app. It’s been proven to be super effective in increasing your productivity and helping you achieve your goals. Whether that’s writing your own novel, getting that work project done in time, making it through your exams unscathed, we’ve got thousands of […]