Mental Health Welfare Boosts Workplace Productivity

We live in an enlightened age for mental health with much of the stigma of bygone years dissipated. Self-care and mental health welfare have become a staple of a healthy lifestyle, both inside and outside of the workplace. With better understanding, more support and resources have become available online and through different organisations. Support that […]

How Does Exercise at Work Affect Employee Productivity?

Employees take care of vital clientele. Yet many companies don’t respect their staff’s physical and mental health needs. Regardless of what the balance sheet says, employees are not liabilities — they’re a company’s greatest assets. When they’re taken care of, they produce rewards in the form of high productivity and profits. Does caring for staff members’ […]

What Your Brain Does To Focus (And What You Can Learn From This)

How does our brain focus? Imagine being outside, in nature. You see beautiful flowers and plants, you hear birds singing, the entire scenery is covered with a wonderful clear blue sky. And yet, these aren’t the only things present. There’s the ugly brown dirt path you’re walking on, icky bugs are crawling about, and unsightly […]

The Best Way to Use Coffee to Optimize Your Productivity

Coffee, the world’s favorite legal drug Aaaah, coffee. The favorite drug of non-crack addicts. It helps you wake up, gets you focused and gives you energy to handle any task at hand. As an added benefit, it tastes great too. Whether it’s espresso, latte, americano, whatever type of bean, it simply helps people get things […]

Healthy Habits That May Increase Life According to а New Harvard Study

What’s the secret of leading a healthier, longer life? Researchers have been trying to find the answer to this question for the longest periods of time. Some health and wellbeing truths are universal and well-accepted. Others are just starting to get introduced. A recent Harvard study attempted to shed more light on the healthy habits […]