How to Get Work Done (Even When You’re Not in the Mood)

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It’s easy to think of procrastination as something directly related to your IDENTITY especially when you are working on something and you are not in the mood to do it. “I’m a procrastinator.” “I can’t stick with a schedule.” “It’s just who I am.” But procrastination is often more related to MOOD than personality. And […]

Discipline Vs Freedom: 7 Ways To Win the Battle For Your Time When You Work Online

Today’s hard-charging entrepreneurs and personal development gurus… …They’re all about SELF-DISCIPLINE. Jocko Willink (not a cheesy guru type at all, to be fair) even wrote a book called “Discipline Equals Freedom.” It’s an amazing read, of course, and quite on target. You can’t expect to get far in this world if you don’t develop some […]