How to Stop Gaming: A Step-By-Step Guide [Updated]

Are you struggling with a gaming addiction? If so, you’re certainly not alone. These days, millions upon millions of people spend way too much time lost in games. Virtual worlds created by game designers at every level of sophistication. Yes, hooked on artificial lives in everything from World of Warcraft to Candy Crush…. And the […]
The One Internet Setting That Gives You Your Life Back

The internet is by and large distracting… Entertaining, informative, useful, but also we can get so lost! In this day and age, practically everyone has experience losing hours of their life to scrolling on social media, clicking around here and there, youtubing, gaming, and googling who the spouse is of some interesting celebrity who just […]
Eradicate Your Unhealthy Habits with the Power of Community

In order to let go of an addiction – whether it be to food, screens, alcohol, etc. – there’s nothing that compares to a strong support community. Because what is the opposite of community (supportive relationships)? Isolation. And what is the perfect environment for bingeing, indulging, and losing ourselves to unhealthy habits? Isolation. An alcoholic […]
5 Reasons to Reduce Your Exposure to Negative News & How to Do It

It’s important to be aware of local, national, and world events – but at what cost? How many hours do you give away to staying up-to-date with the news? What’s the healthy boundary and what are healthy alternatives to news addiction? Because let’s face it, there are a lot of terrible things going on in […]
The Truth about Changing a Habit

How many times have you thought about changing a habit of yours without doing anything about it? How about getting started, but then finding yourself totally failing and forgetting that you had even begun a new regime in the first place? Too many times to count? Why is it so hard to create life-long transformation […]
Circadian Rhythm: the Ideal Time Schedule for Optimal Productivity

Sleep is really important. We all know that. A common thing people hear when they want to know how to be more awake and focused during the day is that they should sleep enough, and be sure to get their eight hours of snooze every night. Of course, there is a lot of truth to […]