Author: Ryan Sagolili
- 2Import plan/sites via ExcelIf there were also an excel based solution to import a plan into Focusme , it could make the usage very easy. I don't know about other users, but I have built up my plans over time. Iterating and refi... Read more...
- 0Plans that execute commands (Conditional Logic)TimeLeft- either at the beginning of a Pomodoro or at the end. I have TimeLeft reminders set up at each end of a Pomodoro: At the beginning, I have a reminder that calls Microsoft Team chat to see... Read more...
- 0Block Newly Installed AppsI recommend adding a "newly installed apps blocking feature" in the plans so if there is a newly installed app it will be blocked and get added to the blocked apps list and anyone can easily remove th... Read more...
- 3Next Day Offset Hours - Option to extend or customize itIt would be nice if the offset hour could be expanded to six in the morning, if it is possible to introduce that change or make it customizable it would be nice
- 2External Management via API or SDLI would like to change the plan or something of focusMe programmatically using an API or SDK. This is to automatically 'add playtime minutes' using code after being productive based on exte... Read more...
- 8Application Screentime NotificationHi, I would like to suggest the following feature: Something like a notification, that shows the screen time in real time, considering which app is in use, showing the time spent and the number of la... Read more...
- 2Auto-enable Plan After Each BootI´d like to suggest a feature: I love the “auto-enable daily” feature, but it would be very helpful to me if there would also be an “auto-enable a plan after each boot”.
- 4Blocks internet after closing sites for 3-5 times in a rowPrevents further attempts in accessing a blocked site ones block internet is triggered due to multiple blocking/accessing of a blocklisted site.
- 1Plan Notification for Websites AccessedI'm wondering if there's a way to know when a plan's time allowed is counting down. For example, some of my plans have over 100 websites and counting. As the result, when I visit a webs... Read more...
- 3Kill Browser When Accessing a Blocked SiteWhen I open an app that is blacklisted, I have the option of choosing "Kill", which is great. It would be a great feature also to kill the browser when I open a website that is blacklisted?